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Congratulations to our photo competition winners and thanks to everyone who took part. We've loved looking at all the pictures you've sent in and it was not easy picking our favourites. We'll look to use as many of the pictures sent in as possible as we update our site this summer.

We asked the Furness 100 Photography club to judge the competition picking 1st place and 2 runners up, with the committee voting for our favourite to get the 4th runner up.

1st place: Emily Farley

Our judge said: An excellent image for many reasons.  It captures competitors in a Lakeland scene on the race.  The composition works well to portray the fun and humour of this group.

Three walkers, including a man in a boat costume, and one in a fisherman costume

Runners up: Katie Skelton and Eleanor Clough

Walkers next to a stone wall with glowing morning light

Our judge said: A great capture of the early morning golden light with pleasing mist in the valley.  The walkers stretched out along the road draw me in to the scene.

Man proposes to woman at the finish line

Our judge said: This really meets the fourth element of Wow factor. When this couple finished the K2B, at the finish line, he proposed.  So the emotions of the moment jump out of the images.  I am not sure if this has happened before. 

Committee favourite: Mike Roberts

The committee really liked this photo of Red Bank which we thought captured one of the iconic moments on the walks (or at least one of the most dreaded) wonderfully.

Walkers on the steep path at Red Bank