Keswick to Barrow Walk fundraising was established in 1969, primarily to benefit a range of small local charities and good causes in the Barrow and South Cumbria area, many of which apply for K2B funding each year. Collectively, we title these groups 'the K2B Pool of Local Charities'.
However, recognising the increasing number of non-Cumbrian teams participating, the charity nominations process was introduced to enable teams to nominate charities from their locality to benefit from their efforts.
The Walk Committee strives to keep event costs to a minimum, seeking maximum funding from ‘corporate sponsors’ in order to minimise overheads and maximise benefit to the causes that need it most. Accordingly we tend to favour those smaller local charities which have lower overheads and which are visibly active within the community. We do not support charities and good causes which are domiciled and bank outside the UK. Teams should consider this when deciding whether the K2B (C2B) is the right event for their fundraising.
As part of team registration process, the team co-ordinator can select up to 3 charities (good causes) to be the beneficiaries from the team's fundraising efforts. These team charities should have been agreed with all team members . Central to the process is the understanding that all teams will try and generate as much sponsorship as possible, all of which must be returned to the K2B Walk Committee preferably through the K2B on-line donation system . Under no circumstances should any monies be donated directly to the charities or via any other method such as JustGiving.
Funding requests can be submitted by charities and good causes that are registered with us. To submit a funding request please log in to your Charity Account between May 15th and 31st July in the year and make a request using the on-line REQUEST FUNDING FOR YOUR CHARITY link on your dashboard. If you require any further information, please contact us via the CONTACT US form (Note: We do not accept Funding Requests via email). Please be aware that due to high demand and limited funds, typical awards are in the hundreds of £, some requests may be unsuccessful.
Once all sponsorship has been collected, the K2B committee, reviews any funding requests and sets its budget for the following year's walk. All remaining funds are shared in-line with the team nominations. In 2023 this was 80% of the amount raised by the team, whilst this amount will vary this is typical. These awards are announced at an annual awards ceremony in November. The preference is that these payments are made by electronic BACs transfer.
If your charity or good cause is not currently registered with us, and you would like to be added to our list of approved organisations, please fill in the REGISTER A CHARITY form.