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How does my team nominate a charity or good cause?

When entering a team for the walk, team co-ordinators will be able to to nominate up to three charities on behalf of each team. The nomination can only be made by the team co-ordinator whilst the team is in its initial 'Draft' state. Once the team co-ordinator has submitted the 'team for approval' no changes to the nominated charities will be permitted.

No other methods of nomination are acceptable, eg writing the name of the charity on a donation form. The K2B Walk Committee's preference is to make payment to the charities by BACS transfer, but the team co-ordinator may state a preference to present a  cheque to the charity direct from the team.

How many nominations can we make?

Normally one per team, but up to three nominations can be made per team.

Who can I nominate to benefit?

Ideally, your nomination should be a recognised registered charity. However, the K2B Walk Committee also supports causes which are not necessarily registered charities but which do provide a service to the community or assist with the development and well-being of children or the vulnerable. You can only nominate organisations from the pre-approved list on the nomination form.

Why can’t I send the monies to the charity direct?

Because the K2B Walk Committee needs to process your sponsorship through its accounts and, because the event is self funded, the Committee needs to cover its costs from the monies before making the charity distribution. Note that as much of the event costs as possible are covered by corporate donations, not individual sponsorship.

What costs does the K2B have?

The main costs are for the provision of food and drink for the walkers. Other costs cover materials to maintain the infrastructure of the walk, (IT equipment, new signage, etc.) and consumables (vehicle fuel, stationery, medical supplies, etc.) There are NO costs deducted for committee expenses or time which are all given voluntarily.

How much will my nominated charity receive?

If approved, your nominated charity will typically receive a minimum of 67% of the total amount raised by your team, as defined in the Walk Terms and Conditions. Again, typically, a  maximum of 33% of the total raised by your team is reserved to cover essential walk costs, and for distribution at the K2B Walk Committee's discretion amongst a portfolio of Cumbrian charities and good causes.  The figure for 2024 was 84% of the monies raised by the team were donated to the team nominated charities. 

When will my nomination be made?

All beneficiaries will be announced at the annual K2B Awards Evening held towards the end of each year. Cumbrian Charities and Good Causes will be invited to collect their awards at this event. Non-Cumbrian awards are forwarded to the charity direct unless requested by the nominating team to be forwarded to them for presentation.

What will each charity receive?

Via their Charity account, each charity will be able to download a large dummy cheque (for presentation). To keep costs to a minimum the K2B Walk Committee distributes donations to charities and good causes by BACS transfer. Where the K2B Walk Committee is unable to BACs transfer then a cheque will be issued to the address shown on the charity account. Cancelled/ Lost cheques will not be re-issued.