Craig Bland
Craig is a Director at BAE Systems Submarines. He and his family have taken part in and supported the walk for many years. Craig took on the role of K2B Chair in 2016.

Roy Barnes
Senior Technologist, BAE Systems. Joined the Committee in 2007 but had been supporting since 2005. K2B Charity Director & Trustee. Responsible for the K2B IT systems, data management and arranging the awards ceremony.

Rachael Hales
Project Manager, BAE Systems. Responsible for K2B social media (Facebook, Twitter, Flickr), email newsletters, website updates and Gift Aid.

Neil Fleming
IT Manager, BAE Systems. Walked the K2B in the 1980s. Supported timekeeping, marshaling and the website since 2007. Joined the Committee in 2011. Responsible for the C2B.

Gary Jones
Senior Planning Manager - BAE Systems Submarines. Helped the walk as a motorcycle marshal for many years. Joined the Committee in 2014. Supports K2B team registration, responsible for the walk marshal plan, and medical arrangements for the walk.

Julie Kirkham
Retired Compliance Engineer, BAE Systems. Completed walk on second attempt in 1977 - finished 8 times to date. Fastest time is 10 hours 30 mins - this is a walk remember!! Marshaled in 2009 and 2010 and supported for many years. Joined the Committee in July 2010. K2B Charity Director & Trustee and now the K2B Secretary.

Julie Knowles
Senior Secretarial Administrator, BAE Systems. Responsible for co-ordinating the Happy Buses to Keswick & Coniston. Volunteered to support the Happy Buses and helped with registration in 2016, joining the committee later that year.

Ian Littlehales
Retired Site Services Project Engineer BAE Systems. Completed the walk four times in the 1980's. Team runner and support. Joined the Committee in 2005. Responsibilities include liaison between BAE Systems and the Sports Club, signage erection and removal, and checkpoint support.

John McIntosh
John has a history of working in public services. Joined the Committee in 2015. K2B Charity Director & Trustee. Also managing the relationship with Highways, Police, and other partnerships.

Dave Thompson
Senior Project Engineer, BAE Systems. Joined the Committee in 2000 as Chief Marshal. Dave is responsible for co-ordinating all the walk marshals on the day. What Dave says, goes and if you need anything Dave's the man.

Ian Walmsley
Lecturer at Furness College. Completed the walk ten times since the first time in 2002. Retired after finally beating seven hours in 2012. Joined the Committee in 2011. Duties are K2B Charity Director & Trustee; Assistant Treasurer; K2B team registration; Southern section set-up and Walk route clean-up.

Tony Mayor
Retired Project Manager, BAE Systems. Been involved with the walk since 1997 and started on the committee in 2016 looking after tags and merchandise; with the introduction of completion T shirts for 2018 walk. During 2019 I will be handing over these duties as I am taking over the Treasurer role along with the update of the records and statistics.
Completed the walk every year since 1997 and intend to continue until the body says no. My fastest time was just under 7½ hrs when I was persuaded to join the one of the running teams, but never again; it was the hardest to date and I can safely say will not be repeated

Rob Lindsay
Risk Co-ordinator

Mark Curwen
Mark has completed the K2B seven times and been a team coordinator on 8 occasions. Always wanted to give back to the walk when he stopped participating so after a health scare joined the committee in 2019.