The event timing system uses a High Frequency (HF) Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) tagging system to track and time your team members along the route. The main components of this system are the black rectangular reader (shown at the centre of the red target) and the white plastic tag.
Each tag has been mapped to a participant as defined on the Team Sheet, which is issued as part of the Final Team Registration process on the day before the walk. It is therefore very important to issue each of the tags in accordance with the Walker Number shown on the Team Sheet. Otherwise participants will be walking under the wrong name. At each checkpoint you will see at least one reader on a red target. To register progress through each checkpoint we need you to tap the reader with your tag. You should hear a beep to confirm a good read of your tag. The Checkpoint Marshal should be able to confirm your name and team details if necessary. NOTE: Your 5 digit Walker Number is different to your 6 digit Member ID as the Walker Number changes each year whilst you Member ID does not change
- Your Walker Number is a 5 digit number issued at the Final Team Registration for one walk only. It is in the format of a 3 digit team number, followed by a 2 digit personal identifier. For example, if you are in Team 123, and you're the 6th walker listed on the Team Sheet, your Walker Number will be 123 06.
- Your Member ID is your permanent personal identifier, issued to you once only, and used for all correspondence with the Keswick to Barrow Walk Committee.