Every care has been taken in the compilation and publication of information on the Keswick to Barrow (and Coniston to Barrow) website and related social media, eg Facebook & Twitter. However, this information is provided for guidance only, and the Keswick to Barrow Walk Committee will not be held responsible for any loss, damage or inconvenience caused as a result of any inaccuracy or error on the website or social media. The Keswick to Barrow Walk Committee is not responsible for the content or availability of any external websites or social media to which it may include links. The Keswick to Barrow Walk Committee provides support to walk coordinators, participants and other parties via email and telephone. This service is provided in good faith on a best endeavours basis. The Keswick to Barrow Walk Committee will not be held responsible for any loss, damage or inconvenience caused as a result of any inaccuracy or error in the information or support provided.