Horrace Farm
- Miles to go: 7.53
At this point you are now on top of the Moor and is the first opportunity to provide support to your team since Lowick. There is very limited parking for support vehicles, so this point should only be used by support crews to pick up tired or injured walkers who are dropping out of the walk.
- First Aid - at Horrace
- Support vehicles only for collecting dropouts
INTERESTING FACT: As you proceed along the moor, Morecambe Bay can be viewed to the left with Blackpool and the Pennines beyond. To the right is the Duddon Estuary, the Irish Sea and the Isle of Man (Ireland and Wales can also be seen on a clear day). Ahead is the Furness peninsula and the islands surrounding the port of Barrow. The fictional Island of Sodor in the Thomas the Tank Engine stories was based on an amalgamation of Walney Island and the Isle of Man.